Ciputra Group Mantapkan Komitmen Pembangunan Kota Baru Maja, Menhub Budiarsa Akan Jadi Citra Maja Raya

Kawasan69 Dilihat, (MAJA) — Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi conducted a working visit to Citra Maja Raya in Lebak Regency, Banten Province, on Monday (30/10/2023). This working visit is part of the government’s efforts to monitor and support the development of the Integrated New City Citra Maja Raya.

Citra Maja Raya is the only Integrated New City development near Jabodetabek located in New City Maja, a public New City initiative initiated by the government.

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“We express our gratitude and appreciation for the working visit of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia to Citra Maja Raya. This visit is a form of government support and attention to the development of the Integrated New City Citra Maja Raya. We are committed to continue contributing to realizing the government’s vision for the development of New City Maja,” said Managing Director of Ciputra Group, Budiarsa Sastrawinata, on that occasion.

Ciputra Group through its subsidiary PT Ciputra Residence actively plays a role in driving the development of New City Maja by continuing the development of the Integrated New City Citra Maja Raya.

New City Maja is located west of Jakarta and was first designated by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia as a Public New City through Presidential Regulation No. 2 of 2015, and then continued through Presidential Regulation No. 18 of 2020 concerning the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024.

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Ciputra Group is developing Citra Maja Raya into a Residential Area that combines housing with complete infrastructure and facilities conceived with the concept of Transit Oriented Development (TOD), which is the development of an area based on mass transportation systems.

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Government Actively Builds New City Maja

Based on the Master Plan Development Plan (MPDP) of the Ministry of Public Works and People’s Housing (PUPR), New City Maja will occupy an area of ​​15,511 hectares and can accommodate more than 2,106,521 residents.

The government plans New City Maja with easy access to the nearest major cities and Jakarta, both through public transportation such as the KRL and private transportation using toll roads or national roads.

New City Maja will also become a strong economic base and an inclusive and sustainable satellite city.

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In addition, the government will build key infrastructure, including the Serpong-Balaraja and Serang-Panimbang toll roads, Drinking Water Management Installations (IPA) in Rangkasbitung, and the Karian Dam.

Development of flyover infrastructure within the Citra Maja Raya Area
Development of flyover infrastructure within the Citra Maja Raya Area. (Photo: Ciputra Group)

Budiarsa explained that Ciputra Group continues to support and succeed in the government’s program for the development of Public New City Maja, manifested through their commitment to develop the Integrated Residential Area Citra Maja Raya.

“Currently, we have built more than 20,000 units of houses and commercial units in Citra Maja Raya, followed by the development of city-scale infrastructure and facilities within it,” Budiarsa explained.

Citra Maja Raya, Integrated Residential Area Development

Currently, Citra Maja Raya is rapidly developing as an Integrated Residential Area and has been developed in three phases, covering an area of ​​almost 800 hectares.

“We are developing Citra Maja Raya in stages, most recently we have started developing the third phase of Citra Maja Raya which covers an area of ​​174 hectares, with a total of more than 11,000 units of houses and commercial units,” said Budiarsa.

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Budiarsa ensured that Ciputra Group remains committed to developing Citra Maja Raya into a large and comprehensive project.

“After the third phase, we will continue the development of Citra Maja Raya. Currently, we are preparing a new development area covering 748 hectares,” Budiarsa continued.

Not only building residences, Citra Maja Raya is also equipped with various city-scale facilities, such as CGV Cinema, Funworld, Food Terrace food court, Sports Club, Water World water park, Mutiara Bangsa School, Muslim Cendekia Islamic School, Mosque, EcoMedika Clinic, Convenience Store, Shuttle Bus, Banking & ATM Center, and soon to be built a second mosque and church together.

Affordable Housing with Complete Facilities

Citra Maja Raya combines comfortable and safe residential and commercial areas with city-scale infrastructure and facilities.

As a pioneer of the TOD housing concept, Citra Maja Raya is very close to various public transportation options. One of them is the Maja KRL station, which is only 500 meters away from this housing area.

Therefore, Citra Maja Raya is a solution for people who need affordable housing with complete facilities.

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Especially for people working in Jakarta but cannot afford to buy property in the city.

Actual photo of residential area and facilities development in Citra Maja Raya
Actual photo of residential area and facilities development in Citra Maja Raya. (Photo: Ciputra Group)

Through the KRL Commuter Line route Maja-Serpong-Tanah Abang-Jakarta, residents with high mobility will be greatly assisted by easy access to public transportation while saving on transportation costs.

The development of the Citra Maja Raya area is also carried out in line with the EcoCulture concept, a commitment to sustainable development with the ultimate goal of creating a community of environmentally friendly mindset (green community), and having a significant influence on the surrounding community to also care about environmental issues.

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Ciputra Group is committed to providing more than just affordable housing, we want to create the living environment dreamed of by everyone. Pentingnya Integrasi Hunian di Citra Maja Raya

Apakah Anda sedang mencari hunian yang terjangkau, lengkap dengan fasilitas perkotaan, dan memiliki akses mudah ke transportasi umum? Citra Maja Raya bisa menjadi pilihan yang tepat untuk Anda. Dengan konsep integrasi yang ditawarkan, Citra Maja Raya menawarkan lebih dari sekadar tempat tinggal. Hal ini diungkapkan oleh Budiarsa, salah satu pengembang proyek ini.

Integrasi Hunian yang Terjangkau

Citra Maja Raya menawarkan hunian yang terjangkau bagi masyarakat yang ingin memiliki rumah impian tanpa harus merogoh kocek terlalu dalam. Dengan berbagai pilihan tipe rumah yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan budget, Anda dapat menemukan hunian yang sesuai dengan keinginan Anda di Citra Maja Raya.

Fasilitas Perkotaan yang Lengkap

Selain harga yang terjangkau, Citra Maja Raya juga menawarkan fasilitas perkotaan yang lengkap. Dari taman bermain untuk anak-anak hingga pusat perbelanjaan yang modern, Anda tidak perlu jauh-jauh meninggalkan kompleks hunian untuk menikmati berbagai fasilitas yang Anda butuhkan sehari-hari.

Akses Mudah ke Transportasi Umum

Selain itu, Citra Maja Raya juga memiliki akses mudah ke transportasi umum. Dengan berbagai pilihan angkutan umum yang tersedia di sekitar kompleks hunian, Anda dapat dengan mudah berpergian ke berbagai destinasi tanpa harus repot menggunakan kendaraan pribadi.

Dengan berbagai keunggulan yang ditawarkan oleh Citra Maja Raya, tidak heran jika proyek ini menjadi pilihan yang diminati oleh banyak orang. Jadi, jika Anda sedang mencari hunian yang menggabungkan kenyamanan, kemudahan akses, dan harga yang terjangkau, Citra Maja Raya bisa menjadi solusi yang tepat untuk Anda.

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